Göteborg University -- Göteborg, Sweden (VTLS)
Grambling State University -- Grambling, LA (SIRSI)
Grinnell College -- Grinnell, Iowa (INNOPAC)
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Hamilton College -- Clinton, NY (Endeavor)
Hawaii Medical Library -- Honolulu, Hawaii (Endeavor)
Hawaii Voyager Consortium (Endeavor)
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Idaho State University (Endeavor)
Indiana State University Consortium (Endeavor)
Indiana University (SIRSI)
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey--Monterrey, Mexico (INNOPAC)
Iowa State University (Dynix)
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Johns Hopkins University -- Baltimore, MD (Dynix)
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Keene State College -- Keene, NH (INNOPAC)
Kentucky Historical Society (Endeavor)
King's College London (ALEPH)
Kwantlen University College -- Vancouver, BC (SIRSI)
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Lehigh University -- Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (SIRSI)
Library Consortium of Health Institutions in Buffalo (SIRSI)
LINCS (Literacy Information and Communication System) of the National Institute
for Literacy via Kentucky Virtual Library -- Frankfort, KY (SiteSearch)
- LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network (SIRSI)
- Participating institutions are listed separately
Louisiana State University (SIRSI)
Louisiana State University--Alexandria (SIRSI)
Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies (SIRSI)
Louisiana State University--Eunice (SIRSI)
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McGill University -- Montreal, Canada (ALEPH)
McNeese State University -- Lake Charles, LA (SIRSI)
Malaspina University-College -- Nanaimo, BC (SIRSI)
Morehead State University -- Morehead, KY (Endeavor)
Return to top of page.
Northwestern State University of Louisiana -- Natchitoches, LA (SIRSA)
Northwestern University (Endeavor)
Novanet, Inc. -- Nova Scotia, Canada (GEAC)
Nunez Community College -- Chalmette, LA (SIRSI)
Return to top of page.
OhioLINK Central Catalog (INNOPAC)
Ohio State University (INNOPAC)
Oklahoma State University (Endeavor)
Oklahoma State University--Tulsa (Endeavor)
Old Dominion University -- Norfolk, VA (INNOPAC)
Ontario (Canada) Legislative Library (Endeavor)
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Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University (Endeavor)
Purdue University (Endeavor)
Purdue University Calumet (Endeavor)
Purdue University North Central (Endeavor)
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Return to top of page.
Radford University (INNOPAC)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Troy, NY (INNOPAC)
River Bend Library System -- Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois (GEAC)
River Parishes Community College -- Sorrento, LA (SIRSI)
Rochester Institute of Technology (INNOPAC)
Royal Library of Denmark (ALEPH)
Return to top of page.
Southern University--New Orleans (SIRSI)
Southern University--Shreveport/Bossier (SIRSI)
Sowela Technical Community College--Lake Charles, LA (SIRSI)
Spring Arbor College--Spring Arbor, Mich. (SIRSI)
Spring Hill College--Mobile, Alabama (SIRSI)
State of Iowa Libraries Online--SILO (Dynix)
State University of New York at Albany (GEAC)
State University of New York at Binghamton (ALEPH)
State University of New York at Stony Brook (NOTIS)
Stavanger bibliotek -- Stavanger, Norway (ALEPH)
Stockholm University (Endeavor)
Stonehill College -- North Easton, Massachusetts (INNOPAC)
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Tamkang University -- Tan-shui chen, Taiwan (VTLS)
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki -- Greece (VTLS)
Temple University -- Philadelphia, PA (INNOPAC)
Texas A & M University--Corpus Christi (INNOPAC)
Texas A & M University (Endeavor)
Truman State University--Kirksville, Mo. (INNOPAC)
Tufts University -- Medford, MA (INNOPAC)
Tulane University -- New Orleans, LA (Endeavor)
Tulsa-City County Library (NOTIS)
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United States Naval Academy, Annapolis (INNOPAC)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (INNOPAC)
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares -- Madrid, Spain (SIRSI)
Universidad de Chile -- Santiago, Chile (DRA)
Universidad de Granada -- Spain (INNOPAC)
Universidad de Jaén--Jaén, Spain (Baratz)
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Vanderbilt University (SIRSI)
Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand (Endeavor)
Villanova University -- Villanova, PA (Endeavor)
Virginia Commonwealth University (ALEPH)
Viterbo University -- La Crosse, Wis. (INNOPAC)
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Washington (D.C.) Research Library Consortium (Endeavor)
Washington State University (INNOPAC)
Washington University -- St. Louis, MO (INNOPAC)
Wayne State University -- Detroit, MI (INNOPAC)
Wellesley College (INNOPAC)
West Virginia State College -- Institute, WV (VTLS)
Western Washington University (INNOPAC)
Wheeling Jesuit University -- Wheeling, WV (SIRSI)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute -- Worcester, MA (Endeavor)
Wright State University (INNOPAC)
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Yale University (Endeavor)
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This gateway makes use of an earlier version of the ISearch-CGI public domain
software that is available from CNIDR. It
should be noted that many search and retrieval capabilities that are available
in the Z39.50 protocol are not implemented in this gateway. The Initialization,
Search, and Retrieval facilities have been implemented.
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